Whistleblower Program

Through the Whistleblower Program, employees of state agencies in Washington can report state employees who violate state laws or rules.

Your identity is kept confidential.

We recommend everyone read our Whistleblower FAQ before proceeding with the reporting of a whistleblower complaint.

For a complaint to qualify for the Whistleblower Program:

How to file a whistleblower complaint

You may file a complaint using our online form, return a filled out printable form, or submit the form by email to whistleblower@sao.wa.gov.

Printed forms must be sent to the Washington State Auditor's Office at:

Washington State Auditor's Office
ATTN: State Employee Whistleblower Program
P.O. Box 40031
Olympia, WA 98504-0031

Who determines whether to investigate an allegation?

We encourage all state employees intending to file a whistleblower complaint to do so directly to the State Auditor's Office (SAO), which has sole authority to determine whether to investigate the allegation.

Other than SAO, certain public officials or designees can receive Whistleblower allegations, including:

RCW 42.40.040(1)(a) states that those public officials must report assertions of improper governmental action to our office within 15 calendar days after the complaint was received. When a public official or designee is uncertain whether an employee filed a whistleblower complaint, we recommend they work to gain clarification in writing from the employee.

State Agency Whistleblower Designees

The State Auditor's Office maintains a spreadsheet with the current whistleblower designees at Washington's state agencies. The list includes each contact's name and position and, if available, an email address and phone number.

For more questions concerning the Whistleblower Program, please contact a Whistleblower employee or relevant designee:

Jeana Gillis – Whistleblower Coordinator

What if the alleged improper action was committed by an SAO employee?

If you wish to file an assertion of improper governmental action concerning SAO, you may do so with the State Attorney General's Office, per state law. Please mark any Whistleblower correspondence “Confidential,” and mail to:

Patricia D. Todd

State Attorney General's Office MS 40126
Olympia, WA 98504-0126
Phone: 360-586-6300
Email: patriciat2@atg.wa.gov

Americans with Disabilities

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, our communications department will provide alternative formats of this document.