Quick-start guide: 5 steps to start selling Marketplace health & dental plans

Before selling health insurance plans through the federal Health Insurance Marketplace ® (FFM) on HealthCare.gov, you’ll need to register, sign agreements, and complete required training. The 5 steps are below.


You may want to complete the 5 steps over several sessions, so we recommend printing this page guide. You may also want to email it to yourself or bookmark it.

(If you want to sell only small business group plans through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace, registration and training are slightly different. See how to register to sell only SHOP plans.)

STEP 1. Create an account

IMPORTANT: Already have a CMS Enterprise Portal account? Don't create another! You'll just need to renew for 2022. Don't follow the steps on this page. See how to renew for 2022 (PDF, 312 KB).

STEP 2. Identify yourself as an agent or broker

STEP 3. Confirm your identity

STEP 4. Take required training

IMPORTANT: You can take free training from CMS, or sign up for a paid course through a CMS-approved vendor. Vendor training may offer continuing education units (CEUs). Free CMS training doesn't offer CEUs.

STEP 5. Sign the privacy and security agreements


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