Homeowner's Homestead Credit Refund

The Minnesota Homestead Credit Refund can provide relief to homeowners paying property taxes.

To qualify, you must:


There are two types of Homestead Credit Refund:

You may qualify for one or both of these refunds.


Certain subtractions can help you qualify for the refund or increase your refund amount. You may claim a subtraction for each of these that apply:

Life Estate

If you retain an ownership interest in your home, you may qualify for the Homestead Credit Refund regardless of who pays the property taxes.

You can claim your refund online, through a software provider, or by paper. For details on these options, see Filing for a Property Tax Refund.

Use the property tax statement you receive from your county in March or April (mid-July for mobile homeowners). Do not use the Notice of Proposed Taxes.