WFSE declares success, reaches tentative agreement with state

State employee union hails TA for general government workers with the ‘largest compensation package in our union’s history’

The following is from the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28 (WFSE):

OLYMPIA (Sept. 21, 2022) — The General Government Bargaining Team of the Washington Federation of State Employees, AFSCME Council 28 has reached a tentative agreement with the state for a 2023-2025 contract that includes:

● The largest compensation package in our union’s history
● Reduced healthcare costs
● A $1,000 incentive payment for receiving a COVID booster shot
● Better protection from mandatory overtimes

How did we do it?

We won because we showed decisions-makers and the public that our fight is not just for our jobs and families, but for our communities as well. This tentative agreement, which your bargaining team unanimously recommends, is a win for everyone who depends on the services we provide. Washingtonians deserve fully staffed public services.

We won because our members stepped up and stuck together.

A couple days ago, the bargaining team reached an impasse with the state over compensation. There simply wasn’t any more money in the pot, the state assured us. Our members responded by flooding Governor Inslee and the Office of Financial Management with phone calls, and lo and behold, there was more money.

Financial details

● Employees will receive a 4% across-the-board increase effective 7/1/2023
● Employees will receive a 3% across-the board-increase effective 7/1/2024
● $1,000 retention bonus for state employees employed on July 1, 2022 who remained employed with the state on July 1, 2023
● Over 190 class-specific wage increases
● Increased shift premiums
● Premium pay for on-site workers in direct care facilities
● And much more

Stay tuned for details and voting instructions

A more detailed summary, a complete list of impacted job classes and the entire tentative agreement will be distributed as soon as possible. We expect to begin voting on this agreement this week.

WFSE/AFSCME Council 28 represents nearly 47,000 state and other public service workers in Washington state. WFSE members care for the most vulnerable, keep us safe, protect our environment, and so much more. Are you a state employee but not a WFSE member? What are you waiting for? Make your voice heard, vote on this historic agreement, and help us win our next contract by becoming a WFSE member today.